Our Destination Control System integration or High-Level Lift integration means the lift can read user credentials from entry turnstiles, or door readers. The lift’s ‘destination control’ software takes into account where each of the building’s lifts are, the user’s designated ‘home floor’ as well as where other users are going/due to go, and instantly calculates the quickest lift for the new user. The user is then immediately directed to the most efficient lift.
Our integration works perfectly with Falco Face reader designed with GDPR Compliance as well as QR codes – including those on mobile phones – meaning visitors can benefit from the high-level lift integration as well as regular users.
FALCO elevator integrations control access to floors with a High Level Interface (HLI) between an elevator system and access control system. The integrated destination lift system improves security by restricting access to floors dependent on access privileges and provides smoother people flow in buildings.The administrator can control lift usage and improve security, by defining open and closed floors for public accessand single lift calls for identified persons by using Vault Cloud Site software.